Think of personal loans as all-purpose funds you can borrow now and pay back over the years. Use them to consolidate high-interest credit cards, make home improvements or cover unexpected expenses. If you have something in mind, we do too.
Consolidating your debt with a personal loan from ACFCU may lower your monthly payments and help you save more over the life of your loan. ACFCU is so much more than a lender, we’re your neighbor. Apply today and enjoy our neighborly service.
类型 | 贷款最大 | 期限到 | Apr *低至 | 月供样本 2 |
类型 个人贷款 | 贷款最大 $10,000 | 期限到 48个月 | Apr *低至 10.49% | 月供样本 2 $179 for $7,000 or $26 per $1,000 |
类型 个人贷款 | 贷款最大 $20,000 | 期限到 60个月 | Apr *低至 11.49% | 月供样本 2 $220 for $10,000 or $22 per $1,000 |
类型 个人贷款 | 贷款最大 $50,000 | 期限到 72个月 | Apr *低至 11.99% | 月供样本 2 $489 for $25,000 or $20 per $1,000 |
Looking for a little more financial flexibility? This line of credit could be right for you. 很像信用卡, this line gives you access to money as you need it and can also help you avoid the embarrassment of overdrawing your checking account, covering any checks you may write that exceed your available balance.
Sometimes life hands you unexpected expenses. When that happens, Fast Cash may be right for you. 这是短期的, personal loan with a fast application so you get the money you need, 当你需要的时候. There is no credit check, just a small fee. (To qualify, you must be a member for at least 90 days.)
申请请拨打703.526.0200 x2.
Think you can’t get credit because you don’t have any? 再想想. With ACFCU’s secured personal loan, you can use your Share or Certificate account balances to secure the loan you need.
As a full-service credit union, we’re a cooperative of members like you who know that by coming together, we can all benefit in our financial journey.
We’re here to help our members—and neighbors—meet their financial goals and live their best lives.
We think there’s nothing more rewarding than serving our members—and believe one good turn deserves another.
We not only meet your financial needs, we commit to being a good neighbor and serving with integrity.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate subject to change without notice. 利率 effective as of March 29, 2024. 最高利率18%. Members who apply online will receive a 0.25% APR discount on a 个人贷款. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. To qualify for as low as rate members must meet credit criteria qualifications and apply online. Minimum loan amount $1,000.
1Must be a member for at least 90 days prior to applying. All accounts and loans must be current (not negative or delinquent) for the past six months. Cannot have been denied for a personal loan within the past 3 months. Direct deposit is not required. However, $1,000 in deposits every calendar month for the past two months is required. Only one Fast Cash loan per member and only one open at a time with two maximum per rolling 12 months. Current Fast Cash loans must have 6 months of payments before they can be refinanced. Only the primary account holder may apply for Fast Cash. For a 12-month loan of $1,000 at 16.78% APR, the monthly payment would be $87.45. Payment is based on first due date within 30 days of closing.
2Payment examples may be different due to payment protection being added to the loan and first payment due date not being 30 days from funding.